
Custom Health provides real-time data for actionable insights to improve patient outcomes


Guessing can be fun. But not when it comes to medication.

We make it easy for people to take their meds as prescribed, we make sure they're working as intended, and we take action when they're not. 

We solve for

The Problem

Most people don't take their medication as prescribed

Remembering to take medication on time and as prescribed is difficult: 75% of people have trouble following their medication schedule. Missing doses can be harmful, worrisome and can lead to hospital stays and medical costs.

The Solution

Custom Health’s connected care

We connect patients with their circle of care, help them to take medication as prescribed — with easy- to-use digital health tools — then go beyond adherence to make sure those meds are doing what they should.

Custom Health is technology designed for superior healthcare
Missing medication doses can be harmful, Custom Health helps prevent this

The Problem

Most people don't take their medication as prescribed

Remembering to take medication on time and as prescribed is difficult: 75% of people have trouble following their medication schedule. Missing doses can be harmful, worrisome and can lead to hospital stays and medical costs.

Custom Health is a real-time personalized health platform

The Solution

Custom Health connected care

We connect patients with their circle of care, helping them take their meds as prescribed — with easy- to-use digital health tools — then go beyond adherence to make sure that medications are doing what they should.

We solve for

Timing icon

Always taking multiple medications on time and as prescribed can be difficult and stressful.

Side effects icon
Side effects

Such as dizziness and hallucinations can be dangerous and require management and monitoring.

Efficacy icon

When people don’t think their medications are working, they’re less likely to stick with them.

Barriers icon

Most pharmacies lack the time, space, and technology to implement effective adherence programs.

Medication adherence is achieved by people at home with our simple to use solutions.

Medication adherence is achieved by people at home with our simple to use solutions.

In-house pharmacists for remote monitoring, health analytics and triage to primary care.

In-house pharmacists for remote monitoring, health analytics and triage to primary care.

Med administrations monitored in real-time across our adherence network this year.
7.7 million

Med administrations monitored in real-time across our adherence network this year.

Automated pharmacy hubs for direct patient care and pharmacy network quality and scale.

Automated pharmacy hubs for direct patient care and pharmacy network quality and scale.

Remote monitoring in-home medication for chronic disease

"My blood sugar is the best my doctor has ever seen it!"

Jim is an active grandfather with type 2 diabetes. With his busy lifestyle, he often missed his medications. Now, with simple to use digital health tools, he takes them on time and we make sure they're doing what they should.

This could help me, my family or a friend

Health plan innovation

We place advanced technology in the home for medication management, then layer in additional monitoring to better personalize and transform the care experience while optimizing member health outcomes.

I'm a healthcare professional, show me results

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